
Trio of interactive installations in which wasted energy plays a central role.
For the exibition 'Loop der Dingen' The spullenmannen made a trio of interactive installations in which wasted energy plays a central role. Each of the elements of the trio covers a recent topic in human behaviour:
  1. useless jobs.inspired by the work of antropologist David Graeber an installation was made that continuosly performs useless actions, in which in an endless seming space people are busy doing nothing. The installation produces mountains of waste that piles up during the months of the exhibition.
  2. conspiracy theories. A repurposed pinball machine autonomously generates conspiracy theories. counter evidence miraculously turns into evidence. This chain reaction is interactive but the machine always wins and makes the player sink deeper and deeper into the world of conspiracies.
  3. races. A bowlingball rolls through an enormous marble track. Two sides of the track compete, if one goes up, so does the other, until the top is reached and the bowlingball comes down in an blaze of sound.


idea & realisationDiana Wildschut, Harmen G. Zijp, Robbert van der Heul
thanks toChristiaan Schuinder, Laura van der Zee, Balder Westein, Reinder de Haan